So you’re about to jump in the wonderful world of home renovation. It’s exciting isn’t it? You’ve known for a while that you wanted to improve your space – make it more functional, more beautiful, more usable for your family! Now you’re getting close to signing that contract and maybe you find yourself a little hesitant to jump in?! Let’s chat!
Fact #1 – The Design Plan Must Come First
Before you reach out to the contractor(s) for their quotes, you’ll want to be really prepared with what exactly the end product will look like. Several years ago a client called me in a bit of panic. They had signed contracts with their (fabulous!) contractor, the plans were complete and the permitting process was underway. The problem? The contractor had given her a list of things he needed on site and ready to go as soon as they got the go-ahead. She called me in a bit of a panic, having NO idea how to make the selections he requested of her. Why? She had no design plan.
Sure, there was a floor plan. They knew how they wanted to use the space. They knew the modifications they were making to the footprint. But they had NO idea what the finished product would actually LOOK like.
WHY, for instance did the contractor want the faucet decision before demo had even started? Because HE knew that before the walls went in, the rough-in plumbing need to be in that wall. And the rough-in plumbing needed to work with the pretty fixtures on the outside of the walls. That was only one small issue!

Fact #2 – Hiring a Professional Will Save Time and Money
I’m often tasked with similar jobs to this. Homeowners find themselves in the midst of a construction project with the contractor asking them questions they simply don’t know how to answer. In the hopes of saving money, they opt to make all the visible choices on their own.
This is a great option if you know exactly how to get that look. But if you don’t? You might find you’re stuck not loving the results.
Careful planning and attention to the final project will save you time, save you headaches AND save you money. To quote on of my design school instructors. “The most expensive decision you’ll make is the one that is wrong”.

Fact #3 – The Home Will Look Worse Before it Looks Better
It’s also important to note, as your project gets under way, that this is a messy proposition! There will be dirt and dust in every crevice of your home! While it may seem like a great idea to simply put a plastic tarp over your clothing and areas of your home not getting renovated, it’s important to remember that the dust and construction particles will travel through your HVAC, on the souls of your shoes and attached to your clothing for the duration of your project.
Your home will be chaotic and dirty and overwhelming. You’ll need to make a few accommodations. A recent kitchen renovation had my clients setting up their garage to accommodate their eating needs. A fridge moved into the garage and a couple of plastic folding tables holding their microwave, toaster oven and some other carefully selected small appliances, along with a positive and upbeat attitude had them happy by Christmas with their fabulous new kitchen!

Fact #4 – It is Definitely Worth It
If you can make through the renovation process, the trade-off is immense. A beautiful new space, customized for you awaits you at the other end. The hassle will be worth the wait!
Breathe, don’t panic and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’ve got this!
On the fence about whether now is the time to start on that home renovation project you’ve been dreaming of? We’d love to chat. Call us anytime.