In keeping with my newsletter being useful and hopefully interesting, I thought I’d start a little Do-it-yourself column. Most of my clients tend to be ladies. Here’s my little ode to all the ladies with the do it yourself mentality. NOT that there is anything wrong with calling in the proverbial muscle when needed – whether that’s in the form a professional, a spouse or a buddy. This month I thought we’d start at the beginning with your creating your plan.
Too often we go off and just shop. Shop for inspiration (good), shop on impulse (not so good), or shop for medicinal purposes (is therapy cheaper or more expensive?…the jury’s out).
If you have a current design project (and don’t we all or is it just me?), you need to have a plan. When I’m working in a client’s home, I start my projects with a room goals sheet. This is a simple form I use to keep us organized and focus on the end product. You can email me if you’d like to request a copy of this.
The first question…and step one of creating a plan is:
What is the function of the room. There’s a simple design term that says: “Form Follows Function”. If you taken my class or if we’ve worked together, you’ve heard me say this. It means simply that the form (appearance/design/etc…) of the room must be dictated by the needs of the room and the people using it. A kitchen’s purpose is obvious by the spare bedroom’s may not be. Too often we grew up with a formal living room and want to emulate that in our grown-up house. If you have a robust household, however, this mold may not work for you. Look at your specific familial needs and plan accordingly.
So for your next project…start with your plan and let me know if I can help with a room goals sheet for you test out!