Years ago, I worked with a furniture manufacturer. The furniture was well-built and solid but also looked that way. My comment was constantly can’t furniture be a little sexier?
Enter Christopher Guy. This man creates furniture based on the female form. I first saw his style three years ago at market and was blown away by the unique vision of his pieces. Each one feels like art. Scratch that! Each one IS art. Thank goodness he’s willing to make more than one!
This year, first thing on Monday morning we headed straight to check all the beautiful things he’d created for our pleasure. I had the opportunity to chat with the man himself. He’s every bit as elegant as his designs, and is as forward thinking as his style would indicate. The pieces just ooze luxury, sophistication, elegance. Wish my Nana was alive to see these.
Please sit back a moment and enjoy just a few selections from his showroom. I’ve linked to his website at the bottom of the page so you can enjoy photography OTHER than my iPhone :).