I think it’s important to remember that the best looking rooms are those that have a look that is acquired over time or at least looks that way. Most of the clients I’ve worked with over the years bring treasures they accumulated over the years into the mix when we work on their homes. I’ve worked with art collectors, artists, grandparents and first time homeowners. What they all want is to be surrounded by a space that suits them.
This is important to me as in MY home, most of the decor has been collected over many years and multiple generations. Certainly, I am just as guilty of picking up the latest “trinket trend”. The trick is in incorporating all these disparate items into a cohesive whole. How do you bring in your unique objects and make them work with your overall design? That’s a complete weeks worth of design lessons, but it can be done and you’ll be happier with your home if you don’t try to emulate the complete room package at your local home decor store.
Occasionally, I get the homeowner that has fallen in love with a particular decor store “look”: Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware. You go in, fall in love with the room and want to buy the whole thing. That’s great and it will doubtless make your sales person very happy, but in the end, the finished product will not be a reflection of you. Rather than racing for the finish line, focus on building upon whatever you have that you love. Certainly, you can shop in these chain stores. The trick in shopping at the mass retail level is to select only your favorite pieces. If you love the grey walls featured at Restoration Hardware (and that grey works in your home!!), then pull that and maybe one or two key piece of furniture. Realistically, do you really want a neighbor coming for coffee and commenting that she’s always loved this collection from Restoration Hardware? Here are three great looking rooms. See if you can pick out what their missing!

All these rooms have great design. They are beautiful or interesting or comfortable in their own way. I’m not picking on these stores. Merely making a point…so what’s missing? YOU. Your personal style brought into play in your spaces.
If you’re starting with nothing, find something that all the residents of the home can agree on and build upon THAT. Take you time and don’t rush the outcome. If you need a little help? Feel free to drop me a line or post a comment below and we can converse.