I grew up wanting to be an Interior Decorator / Interior Designer. My first experience was when my stepmother hired one to help decorate our home. I was probably about 10 years old and I loved looking through the wallpaper books and seeing my bedroom come to life.
I started decorating houses for my Barbie dolls about this same time! Read more on my website about how I got started. In college, I had the nicest dorm room on campus!
But I don’t think I even realized what the real role and responsibility was of an interior designer. I assumed, and I figured a lot as most others do; that an Interior designer just magically knows what to shop for, instantly picks out ALL the things, then they magically appear in the clients home. At which point that same designer stands around in her designer shoes and fancy clothes and points at where she’d like everything placed.
And in terms of what a “day in the life” looked like? Well, I don’t think I ever pictured what really happens on any given day. So in case you’re interested…here’s MY typical day!
My Regular, Reliable Morning Routine
My morning starts with coffee. I mean, first things first, really! Then I’m at the computer: checking messages, reviewing the days task list and assigning or re-assigning items. As there never seems to be enough hours in the day, I take care of whatever remains from the previous days to-do list.

Today, for example, I received a text from a contractor that he needed to move our meet time up at the jobsite from 1:00 PM to 10:00 am. Luckily this was doable for me. I didn’t LOOK the part – disheveled hair, leggings and flip flops but at least I was there to go over a few last minute adjustments to the renovation!
Back to the office to track down a missing fabric sample I needed to match. No luck on that so back to the computer to re-order the missing sample!
Next up? A stop by a favorite showroom to select a couple of fabrics as well as the elusive ‘perfect rug’ for a formal living room. (I just KNOW the perfect one is out there – so many hours spent! A note to clients our there? We designers don’t always bill you for this! We WANT it perfect for you and will make ourselves crazed in search of!).

My Typical, Tangible Afternoon Tasks
Back to the office to meet with a team member and review our task / shopping list for an upcoming project. Any idea how many art pieces go into a 6500 sq ft house??? Leave your guess in the comments and if you’re right – coffee is on me :).
Next up was a quick visit to another client’s home to look at a lamp that arrived. It wasn’t exactly … right. This happens! We think it’s perfect but even if you measure three times, occasionally once an item is installed? It still may need a tweaking.
Quick stop at the drive-thru Starbucks. BTW, I know ALL the drive-thru Starbucks in my area, lol. I live for my Venti Black Tea & Lemonade!
Dropped off a check at a workroom then headed home.

My Standard, Stimulating Evening Schedule
Once at home, there’s dinner to make, evening news to watch with the hubs, then a quick cuddle on the sofa with hubby and the dogs. A brief visit in the home office to review the task list for the rest of the week, make any adjustments or job assignments as needed so I can go to sleep knowing I’ve done ALL I can do!
So today, there was no arm waiving, no giving directions on furniture placement and no high heels. Simply another day of helping make our clients homes just a little bit better and a little bit more organized!
‘nighty night!
Need help organizing your home with systems you can maintain throughout the year? Let’s chat.