Years ago, I taught a design class to homeowners. One of my students shared that her life was stressful, and she depended on her home to provide her with a warm hug at the end of a challenging day. I never forgot that! I firmly believe that is what our homes should do for us! They should nurture us and give us the positive energy that we don’t get “out there” in the rest of the world.
I’ve spent much of my 24 years in business creating a sense of calm for my clients with this number one thought in mind. Today, I’m sharing my top tips for designing a home that supports your biggest goals…
Design Idea #1: Clear the Clutter
When I taught my class, the very first class was actually on decluttering! Clearing out clutter and organizing the things around us can create inner peace and make way for the new–whether that’s new things, new people, new experiences, or simply new feelings.
When we’re designing spaces in your home, we want to make sure we’re designing spaces that give you room to do the things you are longing to do. So take a moment and think. What do you want to do in your home?

Design Idea #2: Make Room for Mindfulness
When I start working with clients on space planning, it is almost always the home office that garners all the attention. And since that “C” word, there seems to be more and more homes with two home offices.
But do you have a special place in your home to simply be still? A space free from electronics, where you can disconnect? Whether you call it meditation, introspection, or prayer, a well-designed, thoughtfully laid-out space can offer you that much-needed quiet escape.

Design Idea #3: Design for Your Passions
If you enjoy a workout, but you must go to a gym, how would your life improve if you could do it, at least occasionally, at home? Do you enjoy music or painting but hesitate because the neighbors may complain or the spouse might get upset if the paint spills on the floor? Maybe you’re a closeted gourmet chef, but your kitchen isn’t up to the task.
If your potential passions are being ignored because your home doesn’t have the right spaces, know that there is almost always a solution. Creating the right space in your home will enable you to take on these cherished pastimes. And it’s not always necessary to do a huge renovation–sometimes, a fresh perspective is all it takes.

The BEST phone calls I get are the ones where my client calls me a couple of hours after an appointment to say “Thank you for suggesting that! We NEVER would have thought of it, and it’s the perfect solution!”
If you need help designing your home that supports good habits, daily joy, and everything you want most, let’s talk.