The Desk Chair
The other thing coming up? The chair make-over. This is a fun little task that I started a couple of years ago. I had a great desk chair that was very nicely constructed but made of (ahem) “pleather”. PU Leather. Faux Leather. VINYL.
When this old thing was flaking off it’s pleather coat, I had recently acquired a sample chair at one of my showrooms. Below is a picture of the chair, although mine was my favorite shade of blue. But since it’s the ONLY one, lol, no ready picture, so visualize, okay???
Husband to the rescue. Deconstructed the office chair. Removed the legs on the dining chair and PRESTO. A comfy desk chair.
It’s served me really well for several years but the seat could do with a little extra padding and the blue upholstery has seen better days so it’s getting a completely new look!

It will NOT be red – this was just the only picture I could find of mine. I bought the only blue sample chair that was made and have a couple of considerations for alternate fabric.

Window Coverings
I did order my window fabric, my workroom received it and I’m assured THAT at least is being handled, thankfully, by someone other than me.

To-Do List
Checklist is the best way to not miss stuff. Not too much crossed off this week :(.
- Find new art. Needs to not compete with wallpaper. Something with a lot of white space
New organizational planLonging for new desk lamps – shop!Update? Found!Order fabric for the window coversOrder fabric for the desk chairOrder new woven privacy blind without Cat-tempting cords- Order accent pillow and shop for some fresh accents
Drop off my previously made-over and very comfy desk chair.- Remove and elevate the existing desk AND repaint it. (Color TBD – MORE one that next week)
- Paint the walls – wall color is close but needs a refresh
- Hang the wallpaper
- Paint the closet doors
MAYBE? paint the shelves??? (can we chat??? this as a trickle down effect!!)Nixed this. Thinking I’ll just paint the BACK of the shelves black.- Hang the new chandelier
- Steal the hubs guest chair ‘case while I don’t love IKEA ALL the time, I DO love, love, love this chair
- Install new custom decorative valance
- Style the bookshelves

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Want to know more? Read all about Linda and what got her started on this crazy adventure!