It’s here again, Father’s Day! How did it get here so fast? It’s always a mystery… but we love the chance to take a day to thank those wonderful men in our lives! Now here’s the second mystery… what to get him. It takes some time and effort to make sure that this special day is enhanced with that perfect gift. The gift that actually gets used and appreciated, unlike that tie from two years ago or that step counter he asked for but never used. Okay, this year is going to be different, this year you’re going to nail it! Here are some great gift ideas that are a little out of the box but that could actually be perfect! Here we go… thinking caps on, computer open, and let’s dive in!
Personalized Cutting Board: It’s definitely for him – and the meat he loves to cook/grill. It says “I thought about what you like to do, and here’s something manly to carry those charred burgers and steaks you love to make for us!” Add in some special dry rub for your guy if he’s into smoking ribs… he’ll love it and you’ll love dinner!
This, and all items on our list (with the exception of the Dry Rub) are from Etsy! We LOVE to support creative entrepenuers. If you’re not familiar, Etsy is definitely worth a bit of your time!

Okay so maybe your man is a vegetarian, or grilling isn’t really his thing. How about that post work drink he likes to relax with? Hmmmm, let’s explore this… We all love a way to relax and for some guys that’s making an Old Fashioned or a Manhattan. Great, let’s get old school with it and get him a classic bartender set! Add in his favorite Whiskey or Bourbon and you’ve got yourself a Father’s Day gift he’ll love AND use!

If this doesn’t resonate with your guy we can go another route. People think of women as the grooming/beauty connoisseurs but you’d be surprised how many men take pride in their appearance and grooming products. HaHA, this proves just how much you know and understand this guy, the perfect Father’s Day sentiment! So what about a beard grooming kit? Beards are kind of like the crowning jewel for a mans pride, a little odd, but sure let’s go with it. Help him get his scruff in shape with a beard brush and some beard oil!

Your guy doesn’t have a beard? Wow, didn’t see that one coming… Let’s flip the switch. A lot of men prefer an organized desk, office, and hey, home. If only there was a way to help him get organized while making it something cool for Fathers Day. Gotcha covered! What about a table organizer that’s masculine, holds keys, a phone, everything! But even better, you can personalize it! Names and monograms, oh my!

Okay we covered food, alcohol, grooming, and organizing. If your guy doesn’t connect with any of these options try to think outside of the box! Is he Mr. Fix It? Personalized tool kit or that jigsaw tool that he’s been wanting. What if he’s an outdoorsy guy? How about some sweet hiking boots or a personalized thermos? If you can’t think of anything else try this… he probably likes being around you right? What about a simple card, dinner, and his favorite dessert? Sometimes these dads just want to be appreciated and celebrated with your attention and time.