Well, the REAL term is Form Follows Function. But in this month’s issue of Traditional Home form is really following FASHION!
I love getting home, checking the mailbox, tossing the trash and seeing the plastic wrap that enshrouds the current month’s issue of one of the half dozen shelter magazines I get each month! Yesterday was no exception. The September issue of Traditional home (trad home pic) was waiting for me. Lovely. Just back from a weeks worth of glamping with nothing more strenuous on my plate than drinking coffee and reading and there it was. As I flipped through it. The entire issue was about fashion. Fashion icons. Fashion sellers. Fashion Designers. And, most notably, a majority of the advertisements were beautifully crafted to reflect the tie in from the fashion world to the home decor world.
Typically we see the home fashion industry follow the clothing fashion industry by about six months. First the runway, then the furniture markets. It’s a good gig. There is a lot more obligation when buying a purple sofa, for instance, than in buying a purple dress!