I’m not a huge believer in New Year’s Resolutions…I dislike anything that sets you up to fail. I prefer the word “goals”. So here, in almost no particular order are a few goals for your home for the new year. All are little bite-sized bits…easy to accomplish to make you feel highly successful! I’ve divided them into two categories…The Pretty and The Practical. Since I’m all about the Pretty…let’s start there:
The Pretty
clear out the clutter – there’s nothing pretty about clutter! Since we’re starting small and easy, pick just ONE area to clear.
create a pretty plan – focus on one room at a time. Get out your decorating notebook (you have this, right???), turn to a fresh page, go sit in the room you want to tackle and start making plans to gorgeo-ify it!
pick a room to paint – this can be the room you’re doing a big plan on, but I suggest a room you already KNOW where you’re going. You know, the one you MEANT to get done before the holidays? Go out today and buy that gallon of paint and get to work (or call your painter and get on his schedule before the FLOOD of calls he’s going to get on Monday).
Pillows, area rug and clutter free will feel fresh for months to come! -
entertainment ready – I know the holidays are over, but as you’re clearing the remnants of holiday festivities, replenish any supplies you need (party napkins, hor’s d’oeuvres makings) so you’re ready for the NEXT shindig!
pick a project to start – I’m not referencing an entire room here…just a little something to freshen up the space. Once you take holiday decor down, you might feel your old decor is somehow lacking. Maybe you want to whip up a few new pillows, embellish some drapes, or add a burst of color by painting a solo chair a bright & fresh color.
finish a project – leftover from last year?? that probably feels, well, icky. Go back through any projects and pick just one to finish.
buy yourself something pretty. Santa may have spoiled you rotten, but nobody knows YOU like…YOU! So take yourself out for a little post holiday present, head to your favorite store and get yourself a little treat. Make a stopover at your favorite coffee-shop or eatery and treat yourself to a little healthful fair that makes you NOT regret the outing. There…doesn’t that feel great!
Enjoy your home NOW
Save your floors and don’t track in pollens, dirt and germs, but instigating a no shoes policy. Put a pretty basket by the door to gather the shoes that somehow DON’T make it into the closets and have another for slippers if you’re family gets (ahem) cold feet!
Next up?? The Practical….