It’s that time of year again. The New Year. The time when we make resolutions…promises to ourselves to improve our life. Maybe you want to lose weight, maybe you want to get healthy. Perhaps organization of your home is on your mind. Possibly you’re just ready to pull the trigger on a home improvement project that has been languishing, undone, for a while now.
Let your HOME help you feel confident and successful.

Goal 1. Feeling Organized & In Control

Last year I had a client working from home (weren’t we all?!) His home office was not set up for success. It had less than adequate desk with an uncomfortable set up and a crappy view. They called me in to help problem solve and help him feel better about being on the phone all day and being in the small room.
A few little tweaks, some repositioning of the furniture (and to be honest some new custom pieces!) and he was suddenly enjoying the new work from home lifestyle! The home office was prettier, better functioning and took advantage of the pretty view outside the window.
The beauty of custom pieces or at least this level of custom organization is that everything has a home! You’re never searching for that elusive office supply or wondering what’s going on behind you in a Zoom call! A little planning can go a long way in that feeling of control and organization.
Goal 2. More Daily Mindfulness

If relaxation is on your New Year’s agenda, maybe it’s time to give your bedroom and bathroom it’s long overdue makeover or refresh! Let’s face it, we spend a good portion of our lives in our bathroom and bedrooms. Shouldn’t these private spaces nurture us?
Last fall, months into Covid, I jumped into a little something called the One Room Challenge and re-did my master bedroom. I love it! It’s pretty, serene and comfortable. It’s where I start every day. Before I jump into work, respond to phone calls and emails, I sit in my bed in my pretty bedroom and just breathe. Oh and coffee, lol! The first cup is always the best and I enjoy it sitting in my bed with the day’s planner, looking out at the mountains and mentally preparing for my day. Little changes can make such a BIG difference!
Goal 3. Increase Physical Activity or Exercise

If improving your physical well being is on the New Year’s list your home can help with that as well. Of COURSE you can create a home gym that works for you. There are options at any budget! I’m currently enjoying TRX (link) as a warm-up and this takes up no space at all! But even if you don’t want your work out in in your home, you can still use organization and systems to set you up for success.
An area in your closet of your workout clothes, a space in your bedroom for your yoga mat or even a space for some private meditation is all readily available with the right planning.
New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but not easy to keep. With a little planning beyond putting pen to paper, you can create the spaces in your home to help you live your best life!
Need help planning your home for good habits, daily joy, and everything you want most? Let’s chat.