No matter what you profession, skill or hobby, we all have those that do it in way we want to emulate. I have long been a fan of a tremendous designer from Jacksonville, FL. (in my previous life, I KNOW I was a southern belle). Her interiors are traditional and timeless and just downright lovely. I get her blog in my inbox regularly, but must confess that I haven’t really had the chance to look through it much recently. Luckily for me, earlier this week I did! JUST in time to find out she would be at a book signing here in Los Angeles! What a treat.

I called the owner of the shop where she was speaking and sweet-talked myself into an invitation to this fabulous little boutique in West Hollywood: HollyHocks where the owner is a celebrity designer and published author as well.
Phoebe Howard was every bit as classy in person as she was in her decor style.
Here are a few of my favorite of Mrs. Howards projects:
“You should always be the best decoration in your own house.”
Mrs. Phoebe Howard

The book is stunning and is my book recommendation for you!

Happy drooling!