Week 5 – November 5th – Shopping, styling props, wallpaper install, drapery hardware
The Final Push
Getting close the finish line and I can feel the tension! The hubs has been pretty good natured about this but having me in project mode, he’s got other ideas for project-ing, not really understanding that I am on a deadline! Typically on one of our home projects, the only deadline is a holiday party or some other “event”. Since they’re isn’t an event in his mind, well…you get the idea.
What are HIS jobs? Hanging drapery rods, installing updated hardware and OH YES I get to put up a light fixture rather than the dreaded ceiling fan. Yay! To be clear, this might be shortlived. We DO live in SoCal and it IS like 100 degrees in the summer and our bedroom IS on the top floor and our HVAC really doesn’t do it’s job. However, this is the FALL One Room Challenge and we’re heading into (ahem) winter so I might get to keep my chandy for at least a few months.
Anyone that’s been to market with me, knows my penchant for a good, glammy chandelier. In fact, I used to have a full website (it’s a little dusty now) dedicated to the art of good lighting. I’ll post the link here “Chandenality” facebook page. It’s been ages (years?) since I’ve touched it so no judgement, lol??? Anyway, after much thought, I went it slightly more modern direction for the bedroom fixture.


I found all sorts but some of these sunburst mirrors can look positively wicked! I actually selected this for a staging project we’re working on but when it came in, I decided it #1 – wasn’t right for the house and #2 – the shape was perfect for my room!
I’ve been looking for some great art. I have a pair of pieces that I recently used in the Pasadena Showcase House that I just love. They’ll definitely make the cut. And with the strong, angled ceiling I’ve selected a round sunburst style mirror for over the bed.
Window Coverings
I still love the drapery panels I purchased. And I LOVE the trim I found on Etsy, but the color simply won’t work with wallpaper. Bummer. Running out of time but luckily the place I purchased the FIRST 18 yards in the silvery blue has a charcoal grey that is JUST as lovely and the shop owner is going to get it out as quickly as possible. It’ll be close!
Furniture Updates
- The bed has been dropped off at the upholsterer. Ran into a little challenge on this front as they asked me to delay dropping it off as apparently everyone in the greater LA area is having stuff made to look new! Now, not sure I’ll make my deadline. Fingers crossed.
- Nightstand makeover is in progress. This is probably what I’m most excited about. Bought these things cheap years ago to makeover then never got around to. Now I’m glad I waited…more to follow on this.
- Dresser refresh. Minor but still significant.
Creative Juices
pillow fabric, trim, inspiration shopping.
Follow along with the fun! Head over to view all the guest participants for this season One Room Challenge, sponsored by Better Homes & Gardens.