I see why Linda (ORC) started this project of hers with the goal to complete in six weeks. Life (work/family/responsibilites) have a way of creeping into the calendar unannounced and prevent us for completing the things we really want to do!
So it is with this little undertaking. I’m actually typing up my week two notes in week three. {sigh}. Stuff just happens and last week (or this week if you think you’re reading week two) was not productive for actual work. I did however finalize many of the decisions I had up in the air for my little undertaking. The following is the checklist of things to do for my project:
Design Planning
I created a moodboard to share here with some of the preliminary ideas. The project started with my finding of this bed:

While it’s not identical, it has some of sophisticated and curvy lines of the bed in my inspiration room. The fabric is good but the it’s a little blah, so I’m having it reupholstered. The frame is a neutral color so this will be getting painted to give the bed a bold clean outline and provide some contrast to the otherwise neutral space.
I was able to score some great fabrics while visiting my favorite workroom and “shopping” her remnants. I may not use all of the pieces I found but it provided me great inspiration.
My upholsterer had a really beautiful pearl colored velvet that I used for the bed but just found out she might not be able to have it done by the conclusion of these six weeks. Thankfully Linda has given us all a Covid-inspired extension through the Thanksgiving weekend. We may need it!

Here’s my progress so far!

Having a list is really a great idea! This checklist is really a visual to share on with you. In real life I use a great app called Click-Up that I keep all client projects in. Here’s a screenprint of what that looks like:

Follow along with the fun! Head over to view all the guest participants for this season One Room Challenge, sponsored by Better Homes & Gardens.
To check out the “workflow” for Fall 2020, view the other weeks here… (Or view them all)
- PSDesign ORC Week One
- PSDesign ORC Week Two
- PSDesign ORC Week Three
- PSDesign ORC Week Four
- PSDesign ORC Week Five
- PSDesign ORC Week Six