Before you tackle any decorating project, you need to look at the space objectively and do a little editing. If you have the ability, I recommend taking the room down to just about ZERO!
Assess the space…what is the room going to be used for? This is the MOST important item.
To begin to get rid of the clutter issue, create three distinct piles:
To Toss (MOST effective)
To Keep
To Donate
To Toss. Easy. There are lots of options for getting rid of clutter that DON’T include the local dump. If you’re in portland, click here for a list of disposal sites. If you’re NOT in Portland, your local garbage, recycling or Waste Management should have information on where to safely and sensibly dispose of your unwanted items.
To Keep. This is the NOT easy part. This requires that every item has a logical home to go to once the purge is done.
To Donate. See the “To Toss”. MORE than you think can go into the ‘To Donate” pile. And don’t forget to itemize those deductions. They add up to more than you might think. Click through to my website to view the options for donations!