We’ve been offering staging as part of our list of services for about six years now. When I’m meeting a new Real Estate Agent the number one thing they want to see is the before and after pictures. Well, fine but it’s often troubled me to publicly share these before pictures. Showing those before pictures, I often felt like I was calling out my lovely clients by showing (literally!) their dirty laundry.
Last month while we were working on our newsletter, we realized that the way folks live in their home is just real life. They have kids and work and crazy schedules and can totally be forgiven when the house is the lowest priority. This has NOTHING to do with what a home needs to look like as it hits the market.
“It’s ALL About the Pictures”
says Pamela all the time!
As I’ll often say to clients while touring their home for the first time “it’s all about the pictures”. And it is. Buyers will be actively searching the internet for their next home, whether it’s on Zillow.com (my favorite), Redfin.com or even Realtor.com. In most cases, they’re going to see the pictures before the ever set foot in the home. It’s super important that the home looks great in the photos. It’s super important that there are no question marks as they look over the pictures. However when the home is about to be listed it’s suddenly very important to lose the “before”, in favor of the “after”

“Real Life vs. Staged Life”
’cause it’s not just about before and afters
To this end, we decided to change up the “before and after” moniker to say “Real Life versus Staged Life”. Which we think is a more realistic approach to this whole business of staging!
What does this mean to our sellers?
While you’re forgiven for living in your home, when it goes on the market, you’ll get the best results if you fake it for a little while. Minimizing the amount of items sitting on all surfaces. Tucking away extraneous clothing items.
You’ll want your property to look like you imagined it would look the day YOU moved in. Remember that? When you had a lot of goals for the home – right before life stepped in?
The Assets
You’ll want your property to sparkle and shine.

- Have a pool? You want your buyers to feel this is THE best home in the neighborhood with the BEST pool parties.
- Have a man cave? This is the coolest place for the boys to hang out. Ever.
- Ginormous gourmet kitchen? Your buyers need to KNOW that you host only the swankiest dinner parties with invitations sought after for miles around.
Getting the picture? Staging is not about you really live. Rather, staging is about creating a visual for you buyer that your home is the best of the best, better than the rest and their dream home.
From curb to backyard
You’ll want the whole place to shine. Remember this is NOT about the way you live. This is Staged Life.

- The front yard should be well trimmed, edged and have some fresh flowers
- The front door should be clean, free of cobwebs and dust and preferably sporting a fresh coat of paint, clean house letters and a fresh mat.
- The foyer should be inviting, clutter free, fresh smelling and maybe have a pretty bouquet of fresh flowers.
- Each bedroom should LOOK like a bedroom (or a home office). A bedroom should NOT look like the recipient of un-done projects, extra clothes and suitcases from last years vacation.
- The master bedroom should positively scream COMFORT, ELEGANCE, RELAXATION and “me-time”.
- The kitchen should be meticulously clean at all times (crazy, right?). The appliances should be in good repair and fresh smelling. The cabinets in good shape.
- The living room should look like you could host a party this evening without a problem.

There’s more and I could go one. But this brings us back to the point. Staging your home is NOT about real life. It’s a show that we’re putting on to get your home sold. The more care and attention to detail, the quicker the process will be over the sooner you’ll be in YOUR next home.
Good luck living your staged life so you can get back to real life!