PHEW! Made it. Sort of. The room is mostly done. There’s always challenges in a timed event, especially one where there’s no client I need to make happy. It’s just for me and to share.

The Bed. First done, last in.
This is a bit of a bummer. The bed, if you’re following along, is the one that was built to use in the Pasadena Showcase Guest Suite…that didn’t happen. I mean, the BED happened, just like the other items for showcase but I wasn’t ready for it when the Upholsterer wanted it out of the workroom.
Instead, it went to my warehouse to be delivered last week. EXCEPT, the delivery folks got pulled off a personal job for a client job (see how I roll for you!?!) and we didn’t quite get it done by the end of the weekend. It’s getting delivered tomorrow and I can’t wait to see it installed!
The Secretary Wallpaper
After much go ’round with this I decided I did NOT want to paint the inside of this piece. It’s in almost perfect and original condition and as much as I like the look of these pieces painted? I thought this one looked great as is. So I put the wallpaper on foam core cut to fit and slid it in place. Easy update and no permanent damage!
Lamps, lamps, lamps.
As yoiu MUST know by now, the perfect lamp is the almost always the end game of any project. I tried several different lamps and settled on this modern trio of circles. The color was the perfect match for the nightstands, taller than my original lamps and make the room feel bigger. Weirdly.
I few a few more steps to finish off the room but all the big stuff is done!!! Tomorrow I’ll move the bed in and I need to pick up the shams from the workroom. The drapes look awesome and really make the room feel complete.

Special thanks to my vendors for their continued support!
- Bedding – Peacock Alley
- Fabrics and Wallpapers – Thibaut Fabrics
- Upholstery WorkRoom – H&B Upholstery
- Draperies – Powers Interior Services
And the best part is it’s fun to have another room checked off my list :).
TTFN – MORE One Room Challenge coming this fall. What WILL it be???

Join the fun and follow along all the participants in this season’s event! This is the tenth year of this popular event that gets hundreds of guest participants twice a year. Check it out!
Want to know more? Read all about Linda and what got her started on this crazy adventure!
If you’re ready for some help bringing your dream home to life, come talk to us! We can’t wait to work with you.