Well, I must confess, that I am a traditional gal. Can’t help it. My design inspiration came from my grandmother and she was traditional through and through. Elegant lines, sophisticated palettes and a look that was collected over time. Yes she dabbled in deco. She opined over all things oriental. She even had a den that did mid-century for a while. But through it all, the overriding persuasion was traditional And it rubbed off on me! Are YOU a Traditional? Traditional decor is embraces antiques and florals but doesn’t need to scream fussy. Traditional decor has its roots in the past but it’s based on comfort more than antiquity. Rooms feel positively predictable. You like symmetry? Traditional probably appeals to you. The look is about balance and soft edges. Colors that don’t scream at you. Neutrals yes, but also softer versions of ALL colors. To keep your traditional style from becoming boring, add in a few fun, original or unexpected items. An animal print rug, a leaning mirror or a modern piece of furniture with a hint of tradition in it to marry itself to the room.
♥Vacillated on whether or not this is truly Traditional, but for me it exemplifies the traditional style I like. Not quite so earthy in color and pattern and nothing heavy to weigh down the room.
♥And probably my favorite of the three. Simply stunning.
In the architecture of the room, you’re probably looking for moldings and trim. Preferably painted a crisp white or soft and powdery ivory. A fireplace mantel is probably a must and balance, balance, balance. And don’t forget a little glam. A bit of metal, a dash of sparkle, a gorgeous chandelier (say…you don’t suppose that’s why I love it so much :!:!) No super shiny 80’s metals, but things with patina and age.
Fabrics need to have that same elegance. Typically damasks are an old standby but think a little more modern fabrics for this century, please!! Window treatments? Of course. Have them gently hit the floor and keep the goop to a minimum.
Finally your art. I think all traditional rooms need something of a sculptural quality. Unique wall art, statues, gorgeous frames. All work themselves up into one glorious, beautifully traditionally designed space. Here’s a few images to get you through your pain if your surround by stark modernism.
♥I like a traditional room that has something unexpected. While this looks like it’s SUPER traditional and maybe many years old, I do love that they used the strong denim blue color on the walls.