As the child of many a divorce, I grew up in several households. I don’t say that as in “woe is me”, but only to define the following: Home really is where the heart is! Your home, in my humble opinion, is the heart and soul of you. I once told my students that your home should give you a big hug when you walk in the front door and if it doesn’t, steps should be taken to correct that!
I lived in a home for nine years that I hated. It wasn’t the neighborhood or the neighbors or the placement on the lot. It was the home itself. Everyday was a challenge. Decorating it was a challenge (a real pain for someone in my business!). Living in the home was a challenge. The house didn’t live the way we did. Perhaps you can relate…the living room had no living going on. The family room was hidden in the basement, far away from the kitchen which for us, truly was the heart of the home. The kitchen, in our 1936 tudor, was an afterthought where mom was banished back in the day, while dad entertained his cronies in the living room. This was NOT the way we lived. We crammed the entire family most evenings into our little kitchen and breakfast nook.
We lived there for nine years and when we moved to our home now, with it’s high ceilings and open concept floor plan, I felt like we’d finally come home. Does your home do this for you? Does your home give you a giant hug as you enter? Does your home invite you to sit down, shake off the stress of the day and invite you in?
If not, take a look around and figure out why. Life is too short to not live beautifully. I’m interested to hear your thoughts and comments about how you live? Are you being hugged as walk in the door (and I don’t mean by your significant other or kiddos, although that’s great too!)? Are you willing to share? I’m interested in hearing your stories, so email me!
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