Getting ready to sell? A quick Google search will tell you the benefits of decluttering and depersonalizing your home. But did you know that you can up your ROI a bit more if you invest a little bit more into your home before selling?
For most people, their home is their biggest single investment, and here are a few tips to maximize your investment just a little bit more…
Tip #1: A Fresh Coat of Paint
Sure, that spa blue was all the rage when you painted it. And you may absolutely find that bold red accent wall amazing (it probably is!), but a fresh coat of paint will neutralize AND depersonalize (see what I did there!), it will ALSO make the home feel fresh and light and clean. And THAT is the name of the game when listing your home.
The spaces will blend and flow well together, which will, in turn, make the home feel larger and more open. Fresh paint throughout is truly a win and your number one best financial return on investment.

Tip #2: Updated Lighting
While a fresh coat of paint is the number one option, new lighting is actually my FAVORITE recommendation! In almost all of our Mini-Flips, we suggest and shop for new lighting as part of our makeover. This subtle change can change the personality of the home.
A matching suite of lights is not the goal, by the way! Rather, we want to select lighting that blends with the style of the home but in an updated and modern way. Nothing too crazy, but don’t be afraid to have just a little fun. We love Amazon for this and have a great ongoing list we’re happy to share. You can request that here.
The buyer of your home may not love all the choices of these new light fixtures, but they’ll be sure to appreciate the updated aesthetic and fresh appeal!

Tip #3: Streamlined Fixtures
Often a home will have gone through several iterations of updates. Some minor improvements where the handyman matched your old almond-colored outlets, perhaps, and a major renovation in one part of the home where the contractor used all new switches, outlets, and maybe even doorknobs.
Now, you’ve got a hot mess of mismatched fixtures throughout the house, creating a sense that the house has not been well-maintained. This is probably not the truth, but this IS the perception. With a bit of an investment, this is another great place to invest to create a positive cash flow at closing.

Tip #4: Landscaping & Curb Appeal
Finally, that all-important curb appeal! You want your potential buyers to get out of the car. A well-maintained front yard with tidy edging, deep, dark beds of fresh bark mulch, and a few colorful plantings will go a long way to showcase your yard and convey that well-cared for property that will net you top dollar.

We have prepared hundreds of properties for market using these exact same steps and made our clients thousands (millions?) of dollars using these techniques. Even in a tight economy, spending a bit of money judiciously will net a more profitable sale. It does take a bit longer to get to market, but in the end, it is well worth the energy AND the investment.
Wondering whether your home needs certain updates? Call us in for a consultation, and we’ll make it well worth your while!