Many times we’re faced with decorating a room that is new or bland (or both). There is no design concept in play, no direction from which to begin. Where is a good place to start? Chance you are you’ve been holding onto something – an heirloom, an antique store find, a new purchase from an art show. Think about it…is there something you’ve had tucked away because you loved it and it’s significant to you for whatever reason and you’ve just not had the opportunity to use it. It could just be the kick-off to a great new design!
The art piece at left was a piece a client of mine fell in love with on a trip with her sister. It wasn’t particularly valuable…probably not an original…but it has a positive feeling for her and she really loved it. It was the starting point for the design of her room. The colors, the mood, even the upholstery in her sofa, all related to this print. When we hung the print in the room, the whole thing came together.
To really make your home unique, think about beginning your decorating style by pulling elements of things that inspire you. Inspiration for your decor can come from anything: Perhaps a significant (or just beautiful, bold or funky) piece of art. Maybe you’ve just inherited a piece of furniture from your great Aunt Edna that you’ve ALWAYS coveted. Is your favorite color RED?? Build your room around the theme of the color red…not necessarily the color, but the feeling of red, an accent of red.
Perhaps you’ve a great old piece of clothing that can be framed and utilized as an inspiration for a vintage room. A style you love, a particular period of time…all these things can be your inspiration when creating your personalize space that is uniquely you.
If there are several people cohabitating in your household, be sure to address the needs of each person while paying homage to your inspiration. If your inspiration is the color PINK and your partner can’t stand the color, then perhaps red is located in a space that is personal to you – a home office, dressing room or kitchen. Your love of red could express itself in the form of one perfectly formed, fabulous vase or lamp, piece of art or hand painted piece of furniture.
Whatever your inspiration, don’t be afraid to take risks and think outside the box. Allow yourself to be creative and personal with your home…it is YOURS afterall! 😉